Motivational Quotes

When I was in high school I played outside linebacker for out football team and one day when we were towards the end of play-offs before morning weights he came up to our defensive starters and gave us a piece of paper with this quote and I have read it every morning and it has changed my life. 

“This is the beginning of a new day. 

God has given me this day to do as I will.

I can waste it or use it for good.

What I do today is very important for I am exchanging a day of my life for it.

When tomorrow comes this day will be gone forever,

leaving something in its place I have traded for it.

I want it to be a gain, not a loss.

Good not evil.

Success not Failure.

In order that I shall not forget the price I paid for it.”

One Response to “Motivational Quotes”

  1. Man bro that is some deep stuff.

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